Lesson Plan

St. Thomas the Apostle School

September and October 2007


Grade:            2

Teacher:         Miss Kimberly Miller

Subject:          Science, Language Arts, Social Studies

Unit:                Living Things:  Butterflies


Science Standard:  The Living Environment


1.  Living things are both similar to and different from each other and nonliving things.


     Students describe the life processes common to all living things.


2.  Organisms inherit genetic information in a variety of ways that result in continuity of           structure and function between parents and offspring.



·       recognize that traits of living things are both inherited and acquired or learned.

·       students recognize that for humans and other living things there is genetic continuity between generations.


4. The continuity of life is sustained through reproduction and development.


     Students describe the major stages in the life cycle of selected plants and animals.


5. Organisms maintain a dynamic equilibrium that sustains life.



·       describe basic life functions of common living species.

·       describe some survival behaviors of common living things.


Language Arts Standards: 

Standard 1:  Students will read, write, listen, and speak for information and understanding.


Standard 2:  Students will read, write, listen, and speak for literary response and appreciation.


Social Studies Standards:

Standard 3:  Students will use a variety of intellectual skills to demonstrate their understanding of the geography of the interdependent world in which we live – local, national, global – including the distribution of people, places, and environments over the Earth’s surfaces.


Description of Unit:


This five week unit integrates science, language arts, and social studies.  It begins with the observation of Monarch butterfly larvae (caterpillars) and ends (hopefully) with the release of live adult butterflies.  Classroom discussion, informational handouts and trade books, and one video about the life cycle of the Monarch butterfly will be our sources of information.  Instruction will take place in both the second grade classroom and the science lab.  Students will keep insect observation journals and learn to write simple notes in their science notebooks.  Students will be encouraged to research to find answers to questions that they have about insects.   Unit vocabulary will be developed and maps of North America will be used.  Insect fiction and folklore will be integrated into the unit.  Students will write facts about butterflies which will become a part of a game to play for review.




Daily teacher observation during instruction will take place.  Student observation journals will be assessed by looking for an increased use of unit vocabulary and concepts.  One unannounced vocabulary quiz will be given when it is determined that the majority of the class is ready.   One announced unit test will be given after the butterflies have been released.


Report Card:  Science:  Daily Work 45% Participation 15% Testing 40%


Homework Assignments and Help from home:


Written science homework will be assigned only if it is determined that the students are ready; the transition from first grade to second grade doesn't occur immediately.

Completed class work will be sent home in the science notebook and science folder (containing the insect journal) for parents to view.  Parents are asked not to remove anything from the notebook and folder, but to return them to school the next day.  Family discussion and interest in this topic will enhance learning.  The public libraries have a wealth of information; the second grade web page has literature suggestions and links.


You can contact me at:  sta2miller@yahoo.com


http://www.homestead.com/millergrade2  - click on insects