An Examination
of Conscience
Before we celebrate the sacrament of
Reconciliation, we think about the Ten Commandments. We ask ourselves how well we have followed
each one. This is called an examination
of conscience.
God's Laws My Actions
Believe that there is only one God.
Do I believe in God and love God
with all my heart?
Respect the name of God.
Do I use the names of God, Jesus,
Mary and the saints with respect?
3. Go
to Mass on Sunday.
Do I celebrate Mass every Sunday?
Respect your father and mother.
Do I respect and obey my parents?
Take care of all that God has made.
Do I treat all God's creatures,
especially people, with respect?
Treat your body as a gift from God.
Do I take good care of my body
and respect the bodies of others?
Respect the property of others.
Have I taken something that
belongs to someone else?
Always tell the truth.
Do I sometimes lie?
Respect the families of others.
Do I treat other families with
10. Be content with what
you have.
Am I ever jealous or greedy?