100th Day
ProjectName ________________________                                                                   

Assignment ____________________________


The project will receive two grades - math and writing. 


Math Evaluation - 20 points                                                       Math total ________/20

____ (5)      Project represents 100 accurately.                                           ________

____ (5)      The 100 “whatevers” are arranged neatly. 

____ (5)      Placement was planned.     __________________________________________

____ (5)      Math concepts demonstrated _______________________________________



Project Sharing

Speaking Grade

 ___Speaking while sharing      ____________________________________________________                ____________________________________________________

____ (21) Questions asked of others                                                                            ____________________________________________________





Listening Grade ___(21) 

Listening to other students while sharing







Writing Evaluation - 50 points:                                                    Writing total _______/50

____ (15)    Project and Self-evaluation                                                           _______

          ____ (9)      Student self-evaluation

          ____ (1)      Adult initial project plan

          ____ (2)      Wrote and drew about plans by Friday, January 30

          ____ (1)      Project meets size limitations

          ____ (2)      Appearance of writing on the project _____________________________


____ (5)      Rough draft

                   ____ (1)  lined paper

                   ____ (1)  complete sentences

                   ____ (1)  First copies can have both your handwriting and an adult's    

                   ____ (2)  Evidence of corrections/proofreading


____ (30)    Final copy of writing

                   ____ (1)  lined paper

                   ____ (1)  complete sentences

                   ____ (1)  Final copy has only the student's handwriting     

                   ____ (2)  Letter formation and spacing  ________________________________

                   ____ (2)  General appearance  _______________________________________

                   ____ (3)  punctuation  _____________________________________________

                   ____ (3)  capitalization  ___________________________________________

                   ____ (2)  spelling  ________________________________________________

                   ____ (3)  Does the writing just answer the questions or is there a "flow" to the                                      writing? __________________________________________________

                   ____ (3)  Detailed is the description of the project

                   ____ (3)  Explanation of how the project represents 100

                   ____ (3)  Explanation of any pattern? 

                   ____ (3)  Details about the steps followed


A = 94 -100%        B = 87-93%           C = 80 - 86%                   D = 75-79%