They help us learn our geography and improve our communication skills!
International friendships help us to understand and appreciate all of God's creation.
This page was last updated: December 17, 2014
Our American Eagle, Skye went to Australia.
September 2007: A Primary Teacher at St. James Lutheran Primary School in Hervey Bay, Queensland, Australia sent us her Lucky the Lizard. We sent Skye to her class on Saturday, September 29! Skye returned to us in December with a journal full of entries!
St. James Lutheran Church, Hervey Bay, Queensland, Australia
Lucky arrived at St. Thomas on September 21, 2007. He stayed with us until November.
He met our Tommee Tiger before
Tommee left on his yearlong trip around the United States.
Lucky tried on Monty's
football helmet!
Second grade made applesauce while Lucky
was visiting us. Students weighed and
measured the apples before peeling and
cutting them. We wrote our observations
about how the apples changed from solid to
liquid and even gas.
*E Pluribus Unum, An American Eagle 2008-2009
August 2008 - A new Curious George, Betsy Bear,
and Unum the American Eagle met in York Beach,
Maine and became friends. They had a chance to
make a sand castle with Madison who was again
visiting from Florida! Can you find Madison's
Little Mermaid?
September 3rd and 4th
E Pluribus Unum went to St. Thomas the Apostle and sat on the window sill next to Miss Miller's bookcase with Curious George and Betsy Bear while second grade got settled into their new classroom.
September 5th
E Pluribus Unum met the children today! They don't want to nickname him Unum but want to use his whole name! He also met 11 Monarch caterpillars that arrived after lunch. The largest is about the size of Miss Miller's thumb nail or about 1 1/2 centimeters in length.
The caterpillars came in a jar with holes on top. They had milkweed leaves to eat and a coffee filter to crawl on.
Here he is waiting in the rocking chair for second grade to come back on Monday! He's
with his friends again.
October - December 2008
E Pluribus Unum Visited Australia
October 4, 2008
E Pluribus Unum left New York today on his journey to Werribee Victoria, Australia. He will be staying at the Westgrove Primary School under the supervision of Mr. Lindsay Paterson, the music teacher.
October 8, 2008
E Pluribus Unum arrived safely at Mr. Paterson's house. EPU will visit with Mrs. Carruther's second grade class for the next two weeks and then stay in Mr. Paterson's classroom.
Two of his Australian Entries:
9/22 The caterpillar formed its chrysalis.
9/28 The monarch butterfly emerged!
9/22 Buzzy Bee is visiting from Georgia. The three travel buddies are inspecting math workbooks
*Sally the Music Monkey 2008-2009
September 2008 - Sally is a travel buddy that belongs to Mr. Lindsay Paterson. Mr. Paterson teaches music to prep to grade 6 at Westgrove Primary School in Werribee, Victoria, Australia.
Mr. Paterson recommends these interesting “ Melbourne ” sites…..
Miss Miller's class sent two American Eagles named E Pluribus Unum and Douglas to Mrs. Parfect's Class in Scotland. Their class sent two Scottish Piper Bears named Hamish and Angus to us. This exchange lasted the majority of the school year.