Tongue Twister Exchange
Fall 2011
Our class will participate in a Tongue Twister Exchange coordinated by Miss Miller. Each of 26 classrooms across the U.S.A. have signed up to do one letter of the alphabet. Our class has the letter "D".
First we will share tongue twisters we know and then read as many tongue twisters as we can find. We'll write our own tongue twisters as a whole class, in small groups, with partners and by ourselves. Finally we'll vote on the best "D" tongue twisters and make pages to share with the other classrooms.
As we receive tongue twisters from the other classrooms we'll put them in a binder to make an alphabet book. We'll post the tongue twisters online as we receive them. (Our goal is before Christmas.)
To see the names of the schools involved go to:
This is the fourth year 2nd grade has participated.
Fall 2009 and 2010 - Unfortunately some classrooms didn't follow through on their commitment so our alphabet books weren't quite complete.

Tongue Twister Exchange
Fall 2008
In 2008 Second grade participated in an exchange organized by another teacher. Our class was the letter "Y".
Not every classroom kept their promise to share tongue twisters. Here's our collection. (We added some extra St. Thomas ones.)
Christmas Tongue Twisters 2008
Mrs. Sedgewick's 4th Grade Class from St. Martins-in-the-Field Episcopal School in Winnetka, California has a cool voice thread you can visit. They took Christmas tongue twisters found online, illustrated them and uploaded the pictures to the Voice Thread, and recorded themselves reading them aloud.
Here's a list of Christmas tongue twisters:
St. Thomas - Letter D October 2009